
Indicators & Change Ideas

Are you looking to improve the issues facing today’s health care system?


Explore the quality indicators being tracked by health care organizations in Ontario through Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) and change ideas to help improve them. Connect with others to share your experiences and ideas of your own.

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Potentially avoidable emergency department (ED) visits

Avoidable emergency department visits can cause clinical risk, stress, and anxiety for older, more vulnerable patients. Overcrowding and surging costs of hospital EDs have long been a concern in Ontario's health care system, and there is a need to address this issue from all angles.

Click here to visit Health Quality Ontario's Indicator Library to view how to measure potentially avoidable emergency department visits.

Key resource

Change Ideas

Resources for Health Care Professionals

Potentially avoidable emergency department (ED) visits

Avoidable emergency department visits can cause clinical risk, stress, and anxiety for older, more vulnerable patients. Overcrowding and surging costs of hospital EDs have long been a concern in Ontario's health care system, and there is a need to address this issue from all angles.

Click here to visit Health Quality Ontario's Indicator Library to view how to measure potentially avoidable emergency department visits.

Key resource

Change Ideas

Resources for Health Care Professionals