
Indicators & Change Ideas

Are you looking to improve the issues facing today’s health care system?


Explore the quality indicators being tracked by health care organizations in Ontario through Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) and change ideas to help improve them. Connect with others to share your experiences and ideas of your own.

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  • 293

Number of events and participants for traditional teaching, healing, or ceremony

Traditional healing and wellness play an important role in Indigenous health, though they are often neglected by mainstream health care systems.

Traditional healing encompasses Indigenous health practices, approaches, knowledge, and beliefs. This includes the use of traditional and cultural ceremonies; medicines derived from plants, animals, or minerals; energetic therapies; and physical techniques.

The goal of Indigenous healing and wellness is to improve the overall health of Indigenous Peoples. In addition to the longstanding First Nations, Inuit, and Métis knowledge of the benefits of traditional healing practices, research and reports indicate that integrating traditional healing practices into health services for Indigenous Peoples can lead to improved overall health outcomes. A wholistic approach to wellness is thought to yield better long-term results for individuals, families, communities, and nations, as well as for the health system itself.

This indicator was included as a result of work done in partnership with the Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC), but all models of primary care are encouraged to participate, where applicable.

Key resources

Additional Resources

Change Ideas

Meaningful Engagement

  • Collaborate with teams from Indigenous primary health care organizations and traditional practitioners for insight into traditional healing practices

Standardization and Consistency

  • Incorporate traditional healing modalities into documentation in electronic medical record (EMR) systems
  • Develop standardized terminology and codes for traditional health practices in EMR systems

Traditional Healing and Wellness and Cultural Services Training

  • Provide education to health care professionals on cultural safety training, understanding Indigenous traditional health and wellness, and integrating cultural considerations into Indigenous patient care

Evaluation and Feedback Mechanisms

  • Implement mechanisms to evaluate impact and effectiveness, such as soliciting feedback from Indigenous communities, health care providers, and clients

Number of events and participants for traditional teaching, healing, or ceremony

Traditional healing and wellness play an important role in Indigenous health, though they are often neglected by mainstream health care systems.

Traditional healing encompasses Indigenous health practices, approaches, knowledge, and beliefs. This includes the use of traditional and cultural ceremonies; medicines derived from plants, animals, or minerals; energetic therapies; and physical techniques.

The goal of Indigenous healing and wellness is to improve the overall health of Indigenous Peoples. In addition to the longstanding First Nations, Inuit, and Métis knowledge of the benefits of traditional healing practices, research and reports indicate that integrating traditional healing practices into health services for Indigenous Peoples can lead to improved overall health outcomes. A wholistic approach to wellness is thought to yield better long-term results for individuals, families, communities, and nations, as well as for the health system itself.

This indicator was included as a result of work done in partnership with the Indigenous Primary Health Care Council (IPHCC), but all models of primary care are encouraged to participate, where applicable.

Key resources

Additional Resources

Change Ideas

Meaningful Engagement

  • Collaborate with teams from Indigenous primary health care organizations and traditional practitioners for insight into traditional healing practices

Standardization and Consistency

  • Incorporate traditional healing modalities into documentation in electronic medical record (EMR) systems
  • Develop standardized terminology and codes for traditional health practices in EMR systems

Traditional Healing and Wellness and Cultural Services Training

  • Provide education to health care professionals on cultural safety training, understanding Indigenous traditional health and wellness, and integrating cultural considerations into Indigenous patient care

Evaluation and Feedback Mechanisms

  • Implement mechanisms to evaluate impact and effectiveness, such as soliciting feedback from Indigenous communities, health care providers, and clients