
Indicators & Change Ideas

Are you looking to improve the issues facing today’s health care system?


Explore the quality indicators being tracked by health care organizations in Ontario through Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) and change ideas to help improve them. Connect with others to share your experiences and ideas of your own.

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Documented assessment of palliative care needs among patients identified to benefit from palliative care (long-term care sector)

Most patients in our health care system should be receiving a palliative care approach much earlier than they often do. Ultimately, receiving timely palliative care provides benefits for patients, caregivers and the health system, often supporting patients to die in their preferred place of death with the supports they need. Health care providers in all sectors have a role to play in identifying patients who could benefit from a palliative care approach.

Click here for a visual guide outlining how to measure this indicator.


  • You can select one or more of the change ideas or tools below and use this PDSA worksheet to help test your change ideas. You can learn to select the most appropriate process indicators by reading this Measurement Guide.
  • To prioritize a change idea to include in your QIP, consider choosing one that addresses a known gap within your care team (i.e., ensuring care teams have confidence to have difficult conversations); standardizes or enhances an existing process (i.e., choosing an early identification tool and developing a process to identify); and/or provides an opportunity to build greater patient and caregiver engagement (i.e., create a palliative care plan to support patients and caregivers).
  • Email to join the mailing list for monthly webinars and other supports.

Key resources

Change Ideas

Select and use tools that support early identification

  • Review the Tools to support Earlier Identification for Palliative Care toolkit, then:
    o Engage staff in choosing and testing the tool to ensure uptake
    o Embed the chosen tools into your electronic medical record system
    o Use flags in EMR when changes in medical or functional status occurs to prompt clinicians to screen or re-screen for palliative care needs

Ensure patients identified early have a holistic assessment completed

Documented assessment of palliative care needs among patients identified to benefit from palliative care (long-term care sector)

Most patients in our health care system should be receiving a palliative care approach much earlier than they often do. Ultimately, receiving timely palliative care provides benefits for patients, caregivers and the health system, often supporting patients to die in their preferred place of death with the supports they need. Health care providers in all sectors have a role to play in identifying patients who could benefit from a palliative care approach.

Click here for a visual guide outlining how to measure this indicator.


  • You can select one or more of the change ideas or tools below and use this PDSA worksheet to help test your change ideas. You can learn to select the most appropriate process indicators by reading this Measurement Guide.
  • To prioritize a change idea to include in your QIP, consider choosing one that addresses a known gap within your care team (i.e., ensuring care teams have confidence to have difficult conversations); standardizes or enhances an existing process (i.e., choosing an early identification tool and developing a process to identify); and/or provides an opportunity to build greater patient and caregiver engagement (i.e., create a palliative care plan to support patients and caregivers).
  • Email to join the mailing list for monthly webinars and other supports.

Key resources

Change Ideas

Select and use tools that support early identification

  • Review the Tools to support Earlier Identification for Palliative Care toolkit, then:
    o Engage staff in choosing and testing the tool to ensure uptake
    o Embed the chosen tools into your electronic medical record system
    o Use flags in EMR when changes in medical or functional status occurs to prompt clinicians to screen or re-screen for palliative care needs

Ensure patients identified early have a holistic assessment completed