
Indicators & Change Ideas

Are you looking to improve the issues facing today’s health care system?


Explore the quality indicators being tracked by health care organizations in Ontario through Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) and change ideas to help improve them. Connect with others to share your experiences and ideas of your own.

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Improve early detection, intervention, and outcomes for people with chronic diseases, specifically cancer screening

Cancer screening is an important component of preventative care and a focus for many Ontario Health Teams (OHTs). According to statistics gathered by Ontario Health, almost 1 million fewer cervical cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer screenings were conducted between March and December of 2020 than were carried out through the same period in 2019.

Key Resources

If you have any questions or require guidance when designing and implementing cancer screening initiatives, please engage with your Regional Cancer Screening Program. For contact information, please see the OHT Regional Contact List.

Engage your Regional Cancer Program for support with cancer screening, and sign up for the Provincial Primary Care and Cancer Network newsletter for regular cancer screening updates. Contact for more information.

Change Ideas

Redesign your system and leverage digital health solutions

Education and training

Engage patients

Improve early detection, intervention, and outcomes for people with chronic diseases, specifically cancer screening

Cancer screening is an important component of preventative care and a focus for many Ontario Health Teams (OHTs). According to statistics gathered by Ontario Health, almost 1 million fewer cervical cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer screenings were conducted between March and December of 2020 than were carried out through the same period in 2019.

Key Resources

If you have any questions or require guidance when designing and implementing cancer screening initiatives, please engage with your Regional Cancer Screening Program. For contact information, please see the OHT Regional Contact List.

Engage your Regional Cancer Program for support with cancer screening, and sign up for the Provincial Primary Care and Cancer Network newsletter for regular cancer screening updates. Contact for more information.

Change Ideas

Redesign your system and leverage digital health solutions

Education and training

Engage patients