
Indicators & Change Ideas

Are you looking to improve the issues facing today’s health care system?


Explore the quality indicators being tracked by health care organizations in Ontario through Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) and change ideas to help improve them. Connect with others to share your experiences and ideas of your own.

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Completion of sociodemographic data collection

Collecting sociodemographic data can allow primary care organizations to better understand the populations they serve and how health care access and utilization differ across equity-deserving groups. This indicator is a measure of progress on the collection of equity data. Low participation rates may indicate challenges that clients experience in responding to the questions or challenges that primary care organizations experience in collecting the data. Strategies listed below may help to improve participation.

This indicator references survey methods developed by the Alliance for Healthier Communities and the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario, but this should not preclude organizations from using other sociodemographic surveys of their choice. This indicator can apply to all primary care settings.

Key resources

Change Ideas

Implement key approaches outlined in the Guide to Demographic Data Collection 2021 developed by Harrow Health Centre

  • Understand why patient/client data are collected
    Review pages 6 and 7 of the Guide to Demographic Data Collection 2021 to better understand why collecting sociodemographic data is important
  • Learn how to ask patients/clients for demographic information
    Review pages 19-23 of the Guide to Demographic Data Collection 2021 for tips on how to respond to questions from patients/clients, what a data collector can say, and a sample script for staff

Review the Resource Package to Support Sociodemographic Collection and Use developed by the Alliance for Healthier Communities

  • Learn how to answer common patient/client questions about collecting sociodemographic data
    Common questions and possible answers from the Alliance for Healthier Communities
  • Create print or online resources to educate patients/clients on sociodemographic data collection
    Review sample brochure developed by Harrow Health Centre FHT

Develop an implementation plan specific to your primary care organization that will maximize the possibility of collecting sociodemographic data

  • Develop a workflow diagram outlining the necessary steps
    Review workflow developed by East End CHC that enabled data collection completion rates of greater than 95%
  • Set reminders in the patient’s electronic medical record (EMR) to update or collect demographic information
    How to add a reminder in PS Suites from the Alliance for Healthier Communities
  • Implement the Health Equity Questionnaire custom form for PS Suite into your EMR
    (AFHTO members only)
  • Review documentation developed by East Wellington FHT
    Including operationalizing the questionnaire and inviting patient participation (AFHTO members only)

Completion of sociodemographic data collection

Collecting sociodemographic data can allow primary care organizations to better understand the populations they serve and how health care access and utilization differ across equity-deserving groups. This indicator is a measure of progress on the collection of equity data. Low participation rates may indicate challenges that clients experience in responding to the questions or challenges that primary care organizations experience in collecting the data. Strategies listed below may help to improve participation.

This indicator references survey methods developed by the Alliance for Healthier Communities and the Association of Family Health Teams of Ontario, but this should not preclude organizations from using other sociodemographic surveys of their choice. This indicator can apply to all primary care settings.

Key resources

Change Ideas

Implement key approaches outlined in the Guide to Demographic Data Collection 2021 developed by Harrow Health Centre

  • Understand why patient/client data are collected
    Review pages 6 and 7 of the Guide to Demographic Data Collection 2021 to better understand why collecting sociodemographic data is important
  • Learn how to ask patients/clients for demographic information
    Review pages 19-23 of the Guide to Demographic Data Collection 2021 for tips on how to respond to questions from patients/clients, what a data collector can say, and a sample script for staff

Review the Resource Package to Support Sociodemographic Collection and Use developed by the Alliance for Healthier Communities

  • Learn how to answer common patient/client questions about collecting sociodemographic data
    Common questions and possible answers from the Alliance for Healthier Communities
  • Create print or online resources to educate patients/clients on sociodemographic data collection
    Review sample brochure developed by Harrow Health Centre FHT

Develop an implementation plan specific to your primary care organization that will maximize the possibility of collecting sociodemographic data

  • Develop a workflow diagram outlining the necessary steps
    Review workflow developed by East End CHC that enabled data collection completion rates of greater than 95%
  • Set reminders in the patient’s electronic medical record (EMR) to update or collect demographic information
    How to add a reminder in PS Suites from the Alliance for Healthier Communities
  • Implement the Health Equity Questionnaire custom form for PS Suite into your EMR
    (AFHTO members only)
  • Review documentation developed by East Wellington FHT
    Including operationalizing the questionnaire and inviting patient participation (AFHTO members only)