

Travaillez-vous avec une ESO?


Rejoignez un ou plusieurs des groupes ci-dessous pour échanger des ressources et des expériences, participer à des discussions, et résoudre des problèmes en équipe, le tout dans le but d’assurer l’intégration des soins et d’atteindre le quadruple objectif de l’Ontario.

This open group is a general forum for those who are involved in the development of Ontario Health Teams. Members are welcome to ask questions, contribute to discussions, share resources, and collectively solve problems that relate to strategic decisions about the eight building blocks.

This space will also provide a forum to share general announcements, calls for participation, updates, and tools which are applicable to all OHTs.
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MEMBRES: 1944 Mis en place: 2020-07-29 12:14:39
This collaborative is for members of Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) priority population working groups looking to learn and develop skills necessary to plan for and implement a population-health management approach for older adults or those with chronic diseases.

Members of the collaborative will gain access to a toolkit of resources including examples from OHTs (please note, only OHT examples internally vetted by the OHT and approved for sharing will be posted) and an online discussion space. Those leading this work (e.g., OHT implementation leads, working group leads etc.) will also gain access to virtual collaborative meetings which include facilitated discussions by coaches to share learnings and solve problems with other OHTs and experts. The online discussion space is open to members to share learnings and ask questions between meetings.
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MEMBRES: 318 Mis en place: 2020-07-29 12:12:07
This collaborative is for members of Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) priority population working groups looking to learn and develop skills necessary to plan for and implement a population-health management approach for individuals living with mental health conditions or addictions.

Members of the collaborative will gain access to a toolkit of resources including examples from OHTs (please note, only OHT examples internally vetted by the OHT and approved for sharing will be posted) and an online discussion space. Those leading this work (e.g., OHT implementation leads, working group leads etc.) will also gain access to virtual collaborative meetings which include facilitated discussions by coaches to share learnings and solve problems with other OHTs and experts. The online discussion space is open to members to share learnings and ask questions between meetings.
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MEMBRES: 320 Mis en place: 2020-07-29 12:10:59
This collaborative is for members of Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) priority population working groups looking to learn and develop skills necessary to plan for and implement a population-health management approach for individuals requiring palliative care.

Members of the collaborative will gain access to a toolkit of resources including examples from OHTs (please note, only OHT examples internally vetted by the OHT and approved for sharing will be posted) and an online discussion space. Those leading this work (e.g., OHT implementation leads, working group leads etc.) will also gain access to virtual collaborative meetings which include facilitated discussions by coaches to share learnings and solve problems with other OHTs and experts. The online discussion space is open to members to share learnings and ask questions between meetings.
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MEMBRES: 225 Mis en place: 2020-07-29 12:09:17
The Patient, Family and Caregiver (PFC) Engagement and Partnership Community of Practice is a forum for individuals to exchange leading best practices in PFC engagement and partnership, support local work within their OHTs and engage with experts with experience in supporting meaningful PFC engagement. Overall, the CoP aims to enable successful implementation of OHT Implementation Support Transfer Payment Agreement deliverables, including development and implementation of PFC Partnership and Engagement Strategies.

The CoP brings together individuals working with and/or in an OHT, including patient, family and caregiver partners and engagement leads, to highlight different OHT initiatives around patient, family, and caregiver engagement and the challenges and successes OHTs are experiencing around implementation. The CoP is guided by its members and their needs.

The CoP will:
- share leading practices, resources, tools, and strategies that support patient, family and caregiver engagement and partnership activities.
- provide a constructive, positive, and supportive environment for participants to work together to identify solutions to issues and barriers.
- promote collaboration, innovation, and connections across OHTs.
- provide a forum to collectively identify issues that need to be communicated to the Patient Engagement Secretariat of the Ministry of Health and provide a venue for the Secretariat to share their work with members.

The CoP also aims to support the development of strong relationships among participants working towards the common goal of implementation of their OHT’s patient, family and caregiver engagement and partnership strategy and the Patient, Family and Caregiver Declaration of Values for Ontario.
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MEMBRES: 500 Mis en place: 2020-07-29 12:07:58
This community of practice (CoP) is for OHT communicators to support the planning and execution of communications and community engagement work. Members will share ideas, information, resources and lessons learned to create efficiencies across OHTs.
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MEMBRES: 333 Mis en place: 2021-03-09 10:23:33
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