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Susan Cubelic

Susan Cubelica partagé: Improving MedRec through organizational leadership at Niagara Health System

Creating a culture of patient safety is a significant priority at Niagara Health System. One of the ways we aim to improve patient safety is through our medication reconciliation (MedRec) initiatives. By using a systematic and organization-wide approach …

6 ans

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  • Danyal MartinThank you for sharing! I love the approach you've taken, especially finding champions, providing training so people feel that they have the skills to do the job, and doing regular audits to make sure you're on track. How often do you do the audits? And how are the learnings shared? (As in, just to the specific programs or is that ever shared in other forums?) How do you share your progress overall?6 ans
  • Susan CubelicThank you for the post! At present, the MedRec pharmacist collects completion metrics for admission and discharge monthly (with assistance from our Decision Support Team). These results are shared with program-specific managers and directors. Strategies for improvement are discussed at program meetings as needed. The managers then share this information with front-line staff. We have made a conscious effort to not always only focus on areas for improvement but to recognize those programs/units that are meeting the goal. If a program meets the 90% admission target, a certificate of recognition is issued on behalf of the MedRec Steering Committee that is shared with staff through huddles and posted on communication boards. The MedRec pharmacist completes two types of quality audits. The first is at an individual level where five BPMHs are selected at random for review daily. Feedback is provided to the individual via email in regards to completeness of the form, medication documentation standards, and accuracy of the history. The second type of quality audit is completed quarterly and presented to the managers/directors at a program level. The Safer Healthcare Now! tool was adapted to assist with this audit (each transition point has a specific audit tool that is used). Audit feedback is shared at monthly regional meetings and at least once yearly at medicine rounds.Our monthly metrics and quarterly quality audits are posted on our organization’s intranet page. MedRec results are also reviewed during our QIP and strategic plan update sessions. Hope this is helpful!  6 ans
  • Danyal MartinI love that you profile both the opportunities for improvement and the successes! Thank you again for this sharing more about the program!6 ans