
Indicators & Change Ideas

Are you looking to improve the issues facing today’s health care system?


Explore the quality indicators being tracked by health care organizations in Ontario through Quality Improvement Plans (QIPs) and change ideas to help improve them. Connect with others to share your experiences and ideas of your own.

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Complaints acknowledged in a timely manner

Collecting patient feedback, complaints and concerns can be a valuable source of insight and allows health care organizations to track and identify key trends and opportunities for improvement in care.

Click here to visit Health Quality Ontario's Indicator Library to view how to measure acknowledging complaints in a timely manner in hospitals.

Key resources

Change Ideas

  • Use Ontario Health's quality standards as a guide to care delivery so that everyone is on the same page about the care patients should receive
  • Gather feedback on how well the current process is working. Review data relative to days between receipt and acknowledgement and review client and family feedback to determine opportunities for improvement.
  • Create a system to track when a complaint is received and when it is acknowledged
  • Create a routinized process to flag senior leadership when a complaint is received
  • Educate staff on how to manage complaints when expressed and how to mediate situations on the spot
  • Provide customer service training and communication skills training such as difficult conversations
  • Use Health Quality Ontario’s Quality Standards so that what quality care looks like is understood by all
    Health Quality Ontario's Quality Standards

Complaints acknowledged in a timely manner

Collecting patient feedback, complaints and concerns can be a valuable source of insight and allows health care organizations to track and identify key trends and opportunities for improvement in care.

Click here to visit Health Quality Ontario's Indicator Library to view how to measure acknowledging complaints in a timely manner in hospitals.

Key resources

Change Ideas

  • Use Ontario Health's quality standards as a guide to care delivery so that everyone is on the same page about the care patients should receive
  • Gather feedback on how well the current process is working. Review data relative to days between receipt and acknowledgement and review client and family feedback to determine opportunities for improvement.
  • Create a system to track when a complaint is received and when it is acknowledged
  • Create a routinized process to flag senior leadership when a complaint is received
  • Educate staff on how to manage complaints when expressed and how to mediate situations on the spot
  • Provide customer service training and communication skills training such as difficult conversations
  • Use Health Quality Ontario’s Quality Standards so that what quality care looks like is understood by all
    Health Quality Ontario's Quality Standards