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5 - PFC Engagement and Partnership

The Patient, Family and Caregiver (PFC) Engagement and Partnership Community of Practice is a forum for individuals to exchange leading best practices in PFC engagement and partnership, support local work within their OHTs and engage with experts with experience in supporting meaningful PFC engagement. Overall, the CoP aims to enable successful implementation of OHT Implementation Support Transfer Payment Agreement deliverables, including development and implementation of PFC Partnership and Engagement Strategies.

The CoP brings together individuals working with and/or in an OHT, including patient, family and caregiver partners and engagement leads, to highlight different OHT initiatives around patient, family, and caregiver engagement and the challenges and successes OHTs are experiencing around implementation. The CoP is guided by its members and their needs.

The CoP will:
- share leading practices, resources, tools, and strategies that support patient, family and caregiver engagement and partnership activities.
- provide a constructive, positive, and supportive environment for participants to work together to identify solutions to issues and barriers.
- promote collaboration, innovation, and connections across OHTs.
- provide a forum to collectively identify issues that need to be communicated to the Patient Engagement Secretariat of the Ministry of Health and provide a venue for the Secretariat to share their work with members.

The CoP also aims to support the development of strong relationships among participants working towards the common goal of implementation of their OHT’s patient, family and caregiver engagement and partnership strategy and the Patient, Family and Caregiver Declaration of Values for Ontario.

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